
You don't do, you don't do 
Any more, dark shoe 
In which I have lived like a foot 
For a long time, poor and white, 
Scarcely setting out to inhale or Achoo. 
Daddy, I have needed to execute you. 
You kicked the bucket before I had time- - 
Marble-substantial, a pack loaded with God, 
Loathsome statue with one dark toe 
Large as a Frisco seal 
Furthermore, a head in the outlandish Atlantic 
Where it pours bean green over blue 
In the waters off delightful Nauset. 
I used to go to recoup you. 
Ach, du. 
In the German tongue, in the Polish town 
Scratched level by the roller 
Of wars, wars, wars. 
Be that as it may, the name of the town is normal. 
My Polack companion 
Says there are twelve or two. 
So I never could tell where you 
Put your foot, your root, 
I never could converse with you. 
The tongue stuck in my jaw. 
It stuck in a thorn wire catch. 
Ich, ich, ich, ich, 
I could barely talk. 
I thought each German was you. 
What's more, the dialect indecent 
A motor, a motor 
Chuffing me off like a Jew. 
A Jew to Dachau, Auschwitz, Belsen. 
I started to talk like a Jew. 
I figure I may well be a Jew. 
The snows of the Tyrol, the unmistakable brew of Vienna 
Are not exceptionally unadulterated or genuine. 
With my wanderer ancestress and my irregular good fortune 
Also, my Taroc pack and my Taroc pack 
I might be somewhat of a Jew. 
I have dependably been frightened of you, 
With your Luftwaffe, your gobbledygoo. 
Also, your flawless mustache 
Also, your Aryan eye, brilliant blue. 
Panzer-man, panzer-man, O You- - 
Not God but rather a swastika 
So dark no sky could squeak through. 
Each lady reveres a Fascist, 
The boot in the face, the beast 
Beast heart of an animal like you. 
You remain at the chalkboard, daddy, 
In the photo I have of you, 
A parted in your button rather than your foot 
In any case, no less a villain for that, no not 
Any less the dark man who 
Bit my quite red heart in two. 
I was ten when they covered you. 
At twenty I endeavored to kick the bucket 
Furthermore, get back, back, back to you. 
I thought even the bones would do. 
Be that as it may, they hauled me out of the sack, 
What's more, they stuck me together with stick. 
And after that I comprehended what to do. 
I made a model of you, 
A man dressed in dark with a Meinkampf look 
Furthermore, an adoration for the rack and the screw. 
Furthermore, I said I do, I do. 
So daddy, I'm at last through. 
The dark phone's off at the root, 
The voices can't worm through. 
In the event that I've murdered one man, I've slaughtered two- - 
The vampire who said he was you 
Also, drank my blood for a year, 
Seven years, in the event that you need to know. 
Daddy, you can lie back at this point. 
There's a stake in your fat dark heart 
What's more, the villagers never loved you. 
They are moving and stamping on you. 
They generally knew it was you. 
Daddy, daddy, you jerk, I'm through.

by Sylvia Plath

Daddy Daddy Reviewed by John on November 13, 2017 Rating: 5

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